About Me…

Words which do not give the light increase the darkness…

I was born and raised in India, studied Psychology. I worked with children and senior citizen. Kids are my passion and I learn a lot from them. Their innocence touched my heart, heard them and answered to their curiosities.
I interacted with lots of people, studied different cultures. Worked all my life with children and helping them with their difficulties.I lived lots of emotions and started writing my daily diaries, which eventually led me into the field of poetry. My poems are full of emotions that lots of people find they live through in their life. They are mostly heart-felt…Some of them may find me writing more sad and touchy, but actually the purpose is to make people feel the emotions a person suffering goes through. A poem is not a good poem if it is not heart felt and touches your soul. If only it touches your soul you are able to understand a person’s suffering and be compassionate towards them.I can write about feelings of a three-year old to a senior citizen in the old home waiting for someone to give them a hug and hear their heart. I hope I am able to create a flow of emotions and passion in my writings for everyone to be compassionate towards others. It is my small effort to show all light through my words to remove the darkness around us… Best Wishes and God bless.

66 thoughts on “About Me…”

  1. Oops I am sorry….. I hope I can be forgiven for my stupid mistake. I thought it was some lady’s blog. Sorry once again ! Well you have a great poetic flair 🙂

    • Ankita of course it is some lady’s blog, yes I ama woman and very emotional, I can feel others emotions also very well. Thanks for liking my posts. Your comments mean a lot to me. God bless you. XOX

  2. intuitiveone said:

    beautiful poetry and fabulous pictures!

  3. Thank you for following my blog. I like yours too…

  4. Hi! I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award. Go to http://thetruthwarrior.wordpress.com/2012/05/02/the-versatile-blogger-award/ for more…… Well done and keep up the inspiring work!! Namaste. TW

    • It is an honor, to be part of your inspiration. The motivation coming from all the followers adds more juice and it flows in words for you. Your appreciation means a lot to me. Thanks a lot. God bless you…

  5. You are very welcome:) Well deserved. Thanks for sharing. Namaste. TW

  6. You writings are profound. Yes, borne by your experiences and maturity.
    Keep writing. Nice to follow your thoughts. God bless! 😉

  7. Please accept my Versatile Blogger Award nomination at http://candidconcourse.wordpress.com/

  8. intuitiveone said:

    I enjoy your blog and have nominated you for the Awesome Blog Content Award http://amykeast.com/2012/05/16/awesome-blog-content-award/

  9. Thanks for your “like” on my post “All Those Years Ago”! thoughtstomull ♥ I look forward to checking out your blog!

  10. A great blog written by a great humanbeing. I am blessed to read your blog and know you and feel you in your poems..Thank you. looking forward to read and feel and know more

  11. I have nominated and recommended you here. Please have your pick –


  12. Beautiful blog, wonderful poems! Thanks for checking out mine!

  13. I have gone through some of your poems.I appreciate your writings These touch to my heart.May Vahe Guru bless you happy healthy life so that you can coninue creative work

  14. Wow! Sounds great that you are from India. Keep in touch Mam. Have a great day ahead.
    Cheers! \m/ 🙂

  15. I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award because you have a wonderful blog. Here you can find read more about the award http://lifeisyourpieceofart.wordpress.com/ Keep writing! All the best 🙂

  16. I only know the meaning of mesmerism,but i never felt the effect,but after reading the emotions ,now i have experienced the mesmerism ,my all good wishes and regards.

    • Mr. Pande, your comment means a lot to me. I do write with true passion and I am pleased to know that you can feel such emotions. My whole idea to write is to share my emotions that can touch ones heart and soul, and feel the same…best wishes….

  17. luck to know such a talented woman as a sister…I love your poems and they are so beautiful…keep writing Di’ bless you always:)

  18. Congrats Pimmi!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Thanks a lot. Where have you been? Best Wishes…

    • without a few cracks we canont see the light shine through. Well you certainly should be seeing some light shinging through for you. I truly believe these hardships are taking you to a place in your life where you will be an amazing inspiration with those far less forunate than you ( I know doesn’t seem possible now) But reflect on all you have done so far, continued your education and the most important and challenging acomplishment -A MOM! I suggest keeping a small journel of this time in your life and each day write at least one blessing -and don’t ever stop believing in the power you have -remember you are unstoppableKathy

      • Thanks a lot Sneha,your inspirational words mean a lot to me. I shall maintain a positive outlook as you mentioned and keep writing to cheer up and motivate the less fortunate. Words and thoughts are very powerful source of motivation. Best Wishes…

  19. Anonymous said:

    Beautiful Love this……………..

  20. Beautiful Love this……………..

  21. I have nominated your blog for several awards you just need to go to this link: http://thesecretkeeper.net/2012/12/07/bloggers-are-writersartists-more-awards/ to discover what they are. Congratulations! J.K. Jennifer Kiley the secret keeper…

  22. may you be blessed for the smile on my face and for re-instilling hope in writing!
    #Respect ma’am

  23. piyush kumar said:

    hello versatile blogger ….your poems really touched my heart …..keep writing n inspiring people ..

  24. alice Basarke said:

    Happy Birthday Pimmi! – Wishing you every happiness, today, tomorrow and always!

  25. I’ve just nominated you for an award! Go check it out http://wp.me/pN3Y2-4U!

  26. Hello Please let me know where you got the photo of the girl in white shirt sitting on the beach facing the sea. I want to use it as my book cover, but cannot find the original anywhere. I want to know if I can use it. I don’t want to be sued later on when my book is out. Can you help me?

    • Hello Laila,
      It was good to know that you went through my blog. The pic. you mentioned is a copyright and also have been used twice so unfortunately it cannot be used again ..
      However I wish you all the best for your new book.. Best Wishes…

  27. Nice and touching words

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